Hamilton-Wentworth Student Transportation Services (HWSTS) is working with the HWCDSB and HWDSB to develop a return to school transportation plan that will align with each of the boards’ return to school plans.
Active forms of travel (e.g., walking and cycling) and private transportation by parents and caregivers are strongly encouraged wherever possible to ease pressure on the transportation demand.
Eligible student riders will be receiving a communication from HWSTS about the OPT-OUT online form. By completing this form, parents can inform HWSTS that their child(ren) will be using another means of getting to and from the school. This will help to inform the transportation plan.
Students from JK-12 will be required to wear masks while riding the bus. School bus drivers will be provided with masks and eye protection/face shields. School buses will have increased disinfecting protocols for frequently touched surfaces.
School buses may be operated up to full capacity. Seating plans will be developed by the schools during school start up. This will assist with contact tracing in the case of a student or driver contracting COVID-19. Students who live in the same household or are in the same classroom cohort should be seated together where possible.
School bus service will be available at the start of the school day and at the end of the school day, in accordance with the school’s bell times. Bus schedules will be available online for all eligible students starting the week of August 23rd 2021 through the HWSTS website at https://www.hamiltonschoolbus.ca/service-stopfinder.aspx.
Staff at the Board and at HWSTS are working hard to ensure that your children will be transported to school in a safe manner. Please be patient with your driver and schedules in the fall. It is not expected to be perfect, but most issues should be addressed in the first several weeks of school.